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    Big 5Spearfishing online Spearfishing Competition Rules

    For weigh-in rules see point 9

    1BIG 5 Category

    1.1 The species list for the 'Big 5' is:

    • Jewfish, WA Dhu Fish or White Seabass
    • Amberjack or Sampson Fish
    • Cobia
    • Yellowtail Kingfish
    • Dolphin Fish

    1.2 The minimum weight on all fish for the Big 5 category is 5kg, except Dolphin Fish which have a minimum weight of 3kg.

    1.3 Points for the 'Big 5' will be awarded at 200 points per species, 10 points per kilo

    1.4 This is an international competition. It will be to the discretion of Adreno which international species are accepted as matching the species mentioned here. Please weigh your fish and upload them to our wall, and we will give you the points if we feel the specie fits the category.

    2GAME 5 Category

    2.1 The species list for the 'Game 5' is:

    • Dogtooth Tuna
    • Wahoo
    • Trevally All
    • Mackerel All
    • Tuna (Southern Bluefin, Yellowfin, Long-Tail, Big-Eye Tuna and other to Adreno’s discretion)

    2.2 The minimum weight on all fish for the 'Game 5' category is 5kg.

    2.3 Points for the 'Game 5' will be awarded at 200 points per species, 10 points per kilo.

    2.4 This is an international competition. It will be to the discretion of Adreno which international species are accepted as matching the species mentioned here. Please weigh your fish and upload them to our wall, and we will give you the points if we feel the specie fits the category.

    3REEF 5 Category

    3.1 The species list for the 'Reef 5' is:

    • Coral Trout (Maximum length: 80cm)
    • Jobfish all
    • Blackspot Tuskfish, Baldchin Grouper or other Wrasse
    • Parrot Fish all (excluding Napolean Parrots)
    • Cod (excluding Estuary Cod, Malabar Cod; Including, for example, Maori Cod, Purple Cod, Peacock Cod, Coral Cod etc. Maximum length: 100cm)

    3.2 The minimum weight on all fish in the 'Reef 5' category is 1kg.

    3.3 Points for the 'Reef 5' will be awarded at 150 points per species, 25 points per kilo.

    3.4 This is an international competition. It will be to the discretion of Adreno which international species are accepted as matching the species mentioned here. Please weigh your fish and upload them to our wall, and we will give you the points if we feel the specie fits the category.

    4 EMPEROR 5 Category

    4.1 The species list for the 'Emperor 5' is:

    • Red Emperor
    • Spangled Emperor
    • Red Throat Emperor
    • Longnose Emperor
    • Wildcard Emperor – including but not limited to Maori Sea Perch, Grassy Emperor, Buffalo Emperor, Yellowlip Emperor, other lutjanus species such as Moses Perch and One-Spot Sea Perch. Other emperor and lutjanus species will be to the discretion of Adreno.

    4.2 The minimum weight on all fish in the 'Emperor 5' category is 500g.

    4.3 Points for the 'Emperor 5' will be awarded at 150 points per species, 25 points per kilo.

    4.4 This is an international competition. It will be to the discretion of Adreno which international species are accepted as matching the species mentioned here. Please weigh your fish and upload them to our wall, and we will give you the points if we feel the specie fits the category.

    5ESTUARY 5 Category

    5.1 The species list for the 'Estuary 5' is:

    • Mangrove Jack
    • Fingermark
    • Flathead
    • Barramundi
    • Threadfin Salmon OR Queenfish

    5.2 The minimum weight on all fish in the 'Estuary 5' category is 1kg.

    5.3 Points for the 'Emperor 5' will be awarded at 150 points per species, 15 points per kilo.

    5.4 This is an international competition. It will be to the discretion of Adreno which international species are accepted as matching the species mentioned here. Please weigh your fish and upload them to our wall, and we will give you the points if we feel the specie fits the category.

    6SOUTHERN 5 Category

    6.1 The species list for the 'Southern 5' is:

    • Snapper
    • Boarfish
    • Leatherjacket
    • Whiting
    • Morwong (including Banded Morwong, Queen Snapper, Blue Morwong. Excluding tropical Morwong species such as mother-in-law, blubberlip, giant morwong etc).

    6.2 The minimum weight on all fish in the 'Southern 5' category is 500g, except Whiting which has a minimum weight of 300g.

    6.3 Points for the 'Southern 5' will be awarded at 150 points per species, 35 points per kilo.

    6.4 This is an international competition. It will be to the discretion of Adreno which international species are accepted as matching the species mentioned here. Please weigh your fish and upload them to our wall, and we will give you the points if we feel the specie fits the category.

    7JUNIOR 5 Category

    7.1 The species list for the 'Junior 5' is:

    • All Bream (Silver/Yellow-Fin and Pikey Bream) of the Acanthopagrus family, or Tarwine.
    • All Flathead
    • Morwong (e.g. Red Morwong, Blue Morwong, Magpie Morwong) or Slatey Bream
    • Luderick or Zebrafish
    • Wildcard - any fish from any other category.

    7.2 The minimum weight on all fish in the 'Junior 5' category is 500g.

    7.3 Points for the 'Junior 5' will be awarded at 150 points per species, 50 points per kilo

    7.4 This is an international competition. It will be to the discretion of Adreno which international species are accepted as matching the species mentioned here.

    7.5 To be a junior, you must be under 18 years of age. If you are already 18 years of age you will not be a junior. Proof of age may be requested.

    7.6 Sub-juniors may be assisted in the form of: loading a gun, retrieving a fish that has holed up or is stuck. Adreno classes sub-juniors as being under 14 years of age.

    7.7 Junior competitors may also enter other categories.


    8.1 There will be a 'most-meritorious miscellaneous' prize category for seniors and juniors. You will be permitted to weigh-in any fish (within fisheries rules and regulations), even those species not in one of the 5 categories. See point 9, Weigh-in Rules, for details on how to weigh in for the most meritorious miscellaneous awards.


    9.1 To weigh your fish in for either category you must:

    • Spear and land your fish with a witness to the catch;
    • Take a photo of the fish on accurate scales (no spring scales allowed, digital scales preferred), without anyone touching the fish. The photo must clearly show the weight of the fish;
    • Clearly display either a newspaper, dive watch, or phone to prove the date of capture;
    • For Coral Trout over 7kg, display the fish on a ruler to show that it is under 80cm;
    • Post these photo/s onto the Adreno Spearfishing facebook page stating the weight, date and who was witness to the catch.
    • The photo/s must be posted within 60 days of capture to be eligible for points.

    9.2 To weigh in a most meritorious miscellaneous fish you must;

    • Follow the rules in 9.1;
    • Any fish species may be weighed in for this category (within fisheries regulations).

    9.3 Weight will be rounded off to the nearest 100g. (Example: 1.85kg = 1.9kg; 1.84kg =1.8kg). If in doubt, the weight will be rounded to the lower 100g.

    9.4 You have 60 days (or 2 months) to weigh your fish in on the Facebook page. Anything posted outside this period will not count towards your points.

    9.5 Upgrading is allowed once per species. For example, if you weigh in a 3kg Mangrove jack and then weigh in a 5kg Mangrove Jack, you cannot upgrade again if you get a 7kg Mangrove Jack.

    9.6 Adreno may 'call bullsh*t' on any fish whose weight we think has been incorrectly represented. If we 'call bullsh*t' on a fish, that fish may not be counted, or only part of its weight may be counted.


    10.1 Breach of any fisheries laws and regulations, or suspected breach, will be sufficient grounds for disqualification. All local fisheries regulations must be complied with.

    10.2 Proof or suspicion of cheating will be sufficient grounds for disqualification.

    10.3 Adreno reserves the right to disqualify competitors for any reason that the Adreno board sees fit. Users who are disqualified may be disqualified for life and unable to enter any future Big 5 competitions.

    10.4 Use of torches is allowed if your local fisheries laws and regulations allow it. Spearfishing at night is not allowed.

    10.5 Adreno has a zero tolerance policy against cheating, abuse or negative comments toward other competitors, bad sportsmanship, and poor spearfishing ethics.

    10.6 By participating in the competition, you are agreeing to indemnify Adreno of damages of any kind, and you understand that Spearfishing is an inherently dangerous activity which you undertake at your own risk. Never dive alone, always dive within your limits. Adreno strongly recommends joining the AUF or USFA branches for insurance cover. We also encourage that you endeavour to take out medical and life insurance before spearfishing. Adreno accepts no responsibility in any way for your failure to cover yourself for accidents that arise while you are spearfishing.

    10.7 The 2016 Big 5 competition commences January 1 2016, and concludes on the 31st of December 2016 at 2359. All fish must have been weighed in by this time.