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    Wetsuit pants are ideal for optimising your wetsuit setup for any given water type and temp.  We often find when diving in the tropics that you don't need your pants but still want your loading pad and hood. In this instance you can run short pants or boardies.  On the other hand you may need more warmth, in... Read More

    Naomi Gittoes

    Octopus Garden Eco Leggings

    Our Price


    Wetsuit pants are ideal for optimising your wetsuit setup for any given water type and temp.  We often find when diving in the tropics that you don't need your pants but still want your loading pad and hood. In this instance you can run short pants or boardies.  On the other hand you may need more warmth, in this scenario we suggest wearing a poly-fleece short or pant as an undergarment or an additional few millimetres of neoprene on the outside.