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    Species Guide - Wahoo

    Having the right gear for your Wahoo Spearfishing journey is important to securing your catch. Below is a detailed list of the important gear you'll need when Spearfishing for Wahoo. 
    1.  Flashers: The use of flashers, either towed or thrown, can help to catch the fish's attention or to hold their... Read More

    Adreno Ocean Outfitters

    Beuchat Torpedo Float with Adreno Float Line & Accessories - Combo

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    Torpedo Float with Flag - 11L

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    Sea Pup 5L Hard Float with Flag

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    Euro 120 Speargun Including powerbands

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    Adreno Ocean Outfitters

    Adreno Rock Hopper Float Combo - 15m

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    Rob Allen

    Fish Stringer (Hang off float style)

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    Float Line with Speed Needle and Stringer 15m

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    Euro 110 Speargun Including powerbands

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    Float Line w/Stringer and Speed Spike - 15m

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    Torpedo Pro Dive Float with Flag

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    Adreno Ocean Outfitters

    Adreno Rooster Float And Ladder Flasher - Combo

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    F.G Inflatable Float with Flag - 15L

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    Seapup 5L Float + Float Line With Speed Needle And Stringer 15m - Combo

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    Species Guide - Wahoo

    Having the right gear for your Wahoo Spearfishing journey is important to securing your catch. Below is a detailed list of the important gear you'll need when Spearfishing for Wahoo. 
    1.  Flashers: The use of flashers, either towed or thrown, can help to catch the fish's attention or to hold their focus. 

    2. Spearguns: Longer-range spear guns are useful. Due to the fact that Wahoo are pelagic and are found in bluewater, it means you can't utilise the reef for cover to hide yourself from your prey, so getting within range can be tricky at times. Having a standard spear gun of 1.2m or longer with twin 16mm rubbers or thicker rubbers or a roller gun 1.1m or longer can help to give you the range required to take a longer shot at a wary fish.
    3. Floats: Utilizing floats and float lines can make landing a Wahoo much easier as the float keeps pressure on the fish as it runs, especially considering the immense speed Wahoo can get up to. With a solid setup, you can let go of the float line without putting excessive pressure on the fish.