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    Shafts & Accessories

    Speargun Shafts: It is important to fit your speargun with the correct spear shaft. The thicker your spear shaft is, the more power it will have pushing through objects. Therefore, if you are hunting big pelagic fish you will want a thick speargun shaft, such as an 8mm shaft. 

    It's important to remember that thicker shafts, if used... Read More


    Ice Pick 9.5mm x 8mm Thread Tandem Slide

    Our Price


    2.0mm Tuna Monofilament Shooting Line - 25m

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    S.S. Trigger Mechanism Assembly (Standard)

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    1.8mm Tuna Monofilament Shooting Line - 50m

    Our Price


    1.8mm Tuna Monofilament Shooting Line - 100m

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    Ocean Hunter

    1.8mm Monoforce Monofilament 100m Roll

    Our Price

    Ocean Hunter

    1.8mm Monoforce Monofilament 50m Roll

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    Rob Allen

    Drop Barb kit (Spare Barb with Oring and Line)

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    2.0mm Tuna Monofilament Shooting Line - 500m

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    Hardended Standard Mako Head 5/16

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    Tri Cut Ice Pick 8mm x 8mm Thread Tandem Slide

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    3/8 [9.5mm] x 72 with Rest Tab Threaded Shaft

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    600 Lb. Spectra Reel Line - 200 ft.

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    500lb Coated SS cable 50fT Roll

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    Ocean Hunter

    1.8mm Monoforce Monofilament 20m Spool W 4 Crimps

    Our Price

    Shafts & Accessories

    Speargun Shafts: It is important to fit your speargun with the correct spear shaft. The thicker your spear shaft is, the more power it will have pushing through objects. Therefore, if you are hunting big pelagic fish you will want a thick speargun shaft, such as an 8mm shaft. 

    It's important to remember that thicker shafts, if used around the reef or rocks, will hit the reef or rocks with more impact and could therefore become damaged or bent. If you are just starting out a 6.5mm or 7mm speargun shaft is ideal and will provide plenty of punch while still surviving accidental contact with rocks or reef. 

    When ordering, please remember, the listed sizes are the length of shaft you are ordering, not the measurement of the gun it is intended to fit. Please ensure you measure your existing shaft and re-order that size. Otherwise, please call our friendly staff, on 07 3391 2299 if you require assistance with the relevant shaft size for the make and model of gun you are ordering for