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    Aluminium Spearguns

    Aluminium spearguns comprise the majority of your pipe and rail spearguns, sometimes referred to just as metal guns. As most people are aware, aluminium is a lightweight material but when thick enough is fairly rigid, so the tubular setup utilized in most aluminium speargun designs is strong and lightweight. For the average spearo, this is... Read More

    Aluminium Spearguns

    Aluminium spearguns comprise the majority of your pipe and rail spearguns, sometimes referred to just as metal guns. As most people are aware, aluminium is a lightweight material but when thick enough is fairly rigid, so the tubular setup utilized in most aluminium speargun designs is strong and lightweight. For the average spearo, this is the go-to material.

    A big advantage of this material over carbon and timber is its ability to cop a beating. Aluminium can be dented and knocked around but still serve its intended purpose. Conversely, a carbon speargun is prone to cracking because of how brittle it is. Aluminium is also much easier to maintain than timber which needs ongoing maintenance to prevent warping and swelling. 

    There are a few downsides to using this material, however. Firstly, if you overload an aluminium speargun the barrel can begin to warp under the pressure whereas carbon and timber setups can hold more loading power. Metal also tends to reverberate and make more sound in the water than other materials when it's bumped by your shaft, rubbers or anything else really, hurting your stealth.