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    Warm waters and high visibility - Dream start to Australian Titles

    December 11, 2010 1 min read

    The AUF Spearfishing Titles are well underway with the finswimming competition and film fishing competition already done and dusted and today the competitors saw the juniors head off for the first heat of the spearfishing competition.

    The weather gods are shining down on the competition with days averaging 5-10 knots (windiest so far has been 15) and water temperatures 28 degrees with visibility around 15 meters (some places are getting up to 25 meters!).

    With this weather, the 40 competitors competing up at Gloucester Eco Resort are enjoying the initial reconnaissance, however it has become clear that the fish are quite scarce with some estimating that the top score might only reach around 12 species per day.

    Results for the Junior spearfishing comp day 1  is as follows:

    8 species - Aaron Puckeridge

    6 species - Jordan Mcneill

    5 species - Leeland Grinke

    4 species - Trent Crane