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    Tuna In Fiji

    May 18, 2011 1 min read

    Thought i would put a few photos up of a trip i did early in the year. The trip was in Fiji with the operator “Freedive Fiji”, We were flown over so as to get some underwater photos for the operator. Great boat and setup.

    I was wearing Beuchat 'Mundial Pacific' 1.5mm (blue), With Trav using the 1.5mm Beuchat Mundial Reversible (black). This was the first time that myself or Trav had used Beuchat wetsuits, Everyday of diving was non-stop with around 9 hours in the water per day and plenty of swimming up and down.

    With some wetsuits in the past i have found that i feel restricted with regards to movement, plus sometimes get a rash ( penicillin works wonders) or blister behind my knees due to the wetsuit rubbing. With 36 hours of wet time over a 4 day period, no felling of restricted movement plus zero rash behind the knees, Shows (to me) that the wetsuits were tailored well fitting nicely.

    The trip was full on, with sharks being a major problem in regards to landing fish. We will be going back over for another run in early November to chase the wahoo, while encouraging the sharks to keep their distance by tapping them with the butts of the guns. hope you like the photos.