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    Try a DUI Drysuit Day!

    July 09, 2013 1 min read

    Try a DUI Drysuit Day!

    Adreno and DUI are excited to announce their very first try a DUI drysuit day! Come along and try a drysuit on August 18, just around the corner from Adreno!


    Are you tired of climbing into your soggy, wet wetsuit?

    Cold and chilled this year and thinking of a toasty warm drysuit?

    Come and join the Adreno and DUI teams to try out our pinnacle of dry suits, the Australian Max Mobility TLS350.Bring your scuba kit, but leave your wetsuit behind: we will dress you in a TLS350 specific to your size whether mens or womens, and let you loose underwater to test-dive it!To book, please call Di or Clive at Adreno with your sizing as per below and payment details.


    Contact Adreno on(07) 3391 2299 with your:

    • Height (cm)
    • Weight (kg)
    • Chest measurement (cm)
    • Hip Measurement (cm)
    • Shoe Size (EU)

    Where: Langlands Park Memorial Pool,5 Panitya Street , Stones Corner

    When: August 18, 9am to 12noon

    Cost: $25 – includes pool entry fees, tanks, weights and $25 voucher for use in-store.

    Fantastic Deals on the day!