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    The Jewie Whisperer

    June 15, 2010 1 min read

    Midweek diving is great but finding enough people to make a boat dive happen can be a challenge, the alternative is a shore dive. This time of year Jew fish are seen on inshore reefs on the northen NSW coast.

    Having never shot a JewFish bigger than 5kg is was time to get schooled by the Jewie whisperer aka Tim Neilsen, and he lived up to the rep. We headed out from Kingscliff to a near perfect shore dive conditions, lake like water and a little over head cloud, which turned out to part storm the entire dive. The water vis was an unreal 15-20m.

    We swam for about 4 hours in total, I was off mucking around with our new GoPro camera when Tim Swam in another direction and found a school of fish all around the 20-30kg mark, Tim lined up on the nearest fish and shot him well in the shoulder. After a substantial figh I turned up to get the last seconds on film,( I will try and upload later).

    Robbie Lewis