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    The aftermath of ODEX and the launch of Sarah Shark Episode 2!

    October 12, 2011 1 min read

    Well ODEX was a hit, the team and I had a great time talking to people in the industry, hanging with the Adreno guys and girls and interviewing the exhibitors!

    A big thanks to my sponsors at Adreno and Beuchat, as well as all those who helped with the filming, diving and logistics of this Episode! We have had an over-whelming response :)

    Launching an Episode after the amazing speeches of both Rodney and Andrew Fox was intimidating, to say the least!

    I'll pop up another blog over the next few days with a video of the actual launch (so you can see the terror on my face as I walk on stage) and photos from ODEX, but in the mean time I present to you...

    Sarah Shark Ep2 - Great White the Infamous Shark from kieren curry on Vimeo.