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    The Adreno BIG 5 Spearfishing Competition

    October 18, 2011 2 min read

    Adreno Big 5 Spearfishing Competition

    Does the thought of these large predator fish make you salivate, keep you awake at night, and keep you getting in the water even in the worst of conditions? Well, they sure have that effect on the Adreno staff! And so we are excited to announce one of our biggest competitions yet – the Adreno BIG 5 Competition.


    Your objective is to target these five fish:



    Spanish Mackerel

    Mulloway/Black Jewfish/ WA Dhufish/White Seabass

    Yellowtail Kingfish

    When you land any of them, post a picture within 7 days of capture onto the Adreno Facebook page. Your picture should include the fish’s weight and proof of the date. The proof can be as simple as your phone or dive watch pictured next to your fish displaying the date.  Aim to capture as many, if not all, of these 5 much sought after species in order to be in the running to win some fantastic prizes.



    Over $1000 worth of bluewater hunting gear including wetsuit, float, and a 1.4m Rob Allen gun (more details later). The major prize pack will be awarded to the diver who:

    • Shoots the most of the targeted 5 species (i.e. one cobia, one Spanish, one kingfish etc. not 3 cobia, 3 Spanish)
    • Has the largest combined weight of their species.
    • The scores will be graded similar to a nationals competition – 1000 points per species and 10 points per kilo. So a 30kg Spanish, a 20kg Cobia and a 10kg Kingfish will equal 900 points.

    There will be five $50 Adreno vouchers up for grabs for the most points earned on each fish.

    There will be a $50 Adreno voucher up for grabs for biggest combined weight over all of the species.

    Time Frame:

    You only have until December 31st – so get hunting!


    • Remember, this is a FUN competition which aims to get spearo’s thinking about being selective and targeting specific fish.
    • It is open to anyone so please respect your local fisheries rules and regulations.  However, as laws on spearfishing on air tanks vary, for the purposes of this competition spearfishing on air tanks is NOT allowed.
    • Catches must be unassisted (no second shots by anyone other than the competitor).
    • Catches must be posted within 7 days of capture.
    • Photos must include: A picture of the fish on scales (local butchers, grocers, fish and tackle shops etc. may let you use their scales if you have none); a picture of a phone, watch or newspaper etc. placed next to the fish which clearly displays the date; take more photos rather than less for verification purposes.
    • You must have one witness to catch and one witness to weighing available to confirm your entry.
    • Upgrading of fish is allowed (i.e. you can enter a 15kg Wahoo one week and if you catch a 30kg wahoo the next week you can enter that fish instead)
    • Burly, flashers etc. allowed
    • Rubber or Pneumatic Spearguns only
    • Note: Rules are subject to change – check back here regularly for any updates.
    We will be in touch over the coming weeks with information from some spearfishing pros on targeting these fish.

    In the meantime: good luck!!!