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    Outer reef madness....

    September 07, 2011 1 min read

    Outer reef madness....

    Lately in Cairns the Fishing gods have smiled upon us with some great breaks in the weather, allowing us to get to the outer reefs chasing bigger fish and dive in some very very clear water! We have managed to get Spanish averaging 10-12kgs almost everytime we have gone out with the biggest being 17kg. There have also been some HUGE Bluespot Trout around with some well over 1m and one that was as big as a QLD Groper! As there is a maximum legal limit for Bluespot Trout (80cm) we had to be very selective in what we shot.

    I managed to get a cracker at 73cm and my mate Brad Ginn speared one that went 78cm which he thought was about 70cm. The one thing you have to remember is that in clear water fish will appear smaller than they actually are so make sure you're 100% certain its going to be under before taking the shot and if in doubt don't take the shot! I also speared my first Coronation Trout and got it on video with my GoPro. Below is a link to the video I put together of one of the days out on the water with my mate Brad and his girlfriend Liz. Hope you enjoy it as much as I had filming it!

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