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    My Shampsuit

    September 03, 2012 1 min read

    My Shampsuit

    They say you've made it when your face is on a shampoo bottle (no they don't) and if thats true (which it isn't) then I have made the big time!

    All thanks to Adreno's new Ocean Fresh Wetsuit and Swimwear wash. The anti-bacterial wash promises to neutralise salt and chlorine, remove strong odours, and prolong equipment life. However, I figured I best give it a try. Especially for those 'rare' occasions when pee-ing in your wetsuit is no longer a choice but a necessity.

    Sooo, I took a group from the Griffith Uni Dive Club down to Sundive at Byron Bay for a couple of dives. Upon returning from our 2 dives (which were amazing) myself and my wetsuit clad crew got our wash on.

    Sarah Shark

    Sarah Shark

    Sarah Shark

    So after a scrub with Adreno's wetsuit wash I, along with my mates, were pretty damn impressed. When my gear dried it was fresh and soft with no salt marks and didn't smell (aahm, not that it would). Most importantly, it kept its promise on neutralising salt, and for everyone who understands the impact salt water can have on, well, everything, then this wash is worth its weight in gold.

    Overall, if you're as obsessed with your gear (like I am) then its well worth the purchase .. especially if your a serial pee-er (like I am .. not)

    Sarah Shark www.sarahshark.com

    Sarah Shark