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    Mangrove Jacks

    February 28, 2011 1 min read

    Mangrove Jacks

    Mangrove Jacks are a great fish to chase and shoot. I have found that when chasing Mangrove Jacks (Jacks) that generally they tend to only make one pass of the diver, have a look at what you are, then continue on their way. So for this reason they tend to be a little more difficult to shoot unlike fish like the Coastal Coral Trout and Blue spot Trout that will tend to sit and watch the diver for an extended period of time.

    Max length : 150 cm  common length : 80.0 cm  max. reported max age: 31 years

    Mangrove JackOpenNationalCraig WhalleyBundaberg23-11-200716.240 kg

    Mangrove JackLadiesNationalA. DJURASEVICHLady Musgrave Island02-03-20098.905 kg

    Mangrove JackJuniorNationalM. SAUNDERS Jnr.North West Island30-12-19993.400 kg