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    Happy New Year from Bali!

    January 09, 2012 1 min read

    Happy New Year from Bali!

    Crystal Divers BaliBlog submitted by CDC Crystal Divers Bali, Indonesia’s first Career Development Centre.

    It’s been a Godly Christmas for the Island of the Gods. Great Christmas parties and two separate spottings of whale sharks, as well as pilot whales and of course our usual daily manta experience.

    We wish all divers a Happy New Year and will continue to update you with scuba diving news from Australia's no 1. overseas holiday location!

    The team from CDC Crystal Divers Bali

    Crystal Divers has now also moved in to the world of PADI TecRec with MI Paul Grant on the way to completing his Tec Deep Instructor qualification.

    Tec Training Diving

    Tec Training

    For more details please email info@crystal-divers.com