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    GoPro Hero HD Part 1- The Camera

    May 23, 2011 2 min read

    GoPro Hero HD Part 1- The Camera

    There have been a lot of questions asked about GoPro Cameras lately and I thought I would share with you some information about this awesome little camera. I have been using a GoPro for about a year now for all sorts of things, but mainly Downhill Mountain Biking and Spearfishing. This camera and can be used to film almost anything above and below the surface and with a waterproof housing rated to 60 m, it is perfect for us Spearos as almost none of us will ever go that deep. Some of the features that impressed me were;

    • Tough waterproof housing to 60 m
    • 1080p full HD video with sound
    • 5 HD video settings (1 has slow motion playback)
    • 5 MP photos with interval picture settings
    • Small, Compact and Lightweight
    • Easy to attach detach with brackets and pads
    • Can be used to film just about anything

    Here is some advice and some things I would recommend to you if you were buying a GoPro and that is

    • Ask yourself what you will be using it for? Gun mount? Mainly video? Video and Photo?
    • Get a flat lens or flat lens housing as the original housing gives blurry footage
    • Purchase a reasonable sized memory card
    • Film EVERY dive or miss out on getting that perfect shot on that PB fish
    • Familiarize yourself with the features and settings to get the most out of the camera
    • Low light at depth (20+m approx) gives colour distortion
    • Film more than just the fish you shoot like turtles, sharks, rays and other fish etc but if using a gun mounted GoPro ensure your safety is on and your gun is pointing slightly off the subject you are filming.

    If you are in the market for a high quality hassle free camera to mount on your gun and film all your spearing adventures like I have over the last 9 months then you cant go past a GoPro. Adreno has the GoPro  for sale on their website as well as the Eye of Mine flat lens housing which I would highly recommend getting as this will fix the focus problem and make your videos crystal clear.

    Below is a video of the Eye of Mine flat lens which shows you how clear the picture is and the quality of a GoPro  Hero HD camera. In part-2 I will cover making a mount to attach the camera to your gun.