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    EXTREME FREEDOM: Leaders in New Zealand Spearfishing

    February 09, 2011 1 min read

    EXTREME FREEDOM: Leaders in New Zealand Spearfishing

    Had a awesome day at Waimarama Saturday 5 February. Visibility was 18 20 metres on the boil . Not a lot of fish around though. No current running so the conditions were like being in Fiji.

    We all got a Blue Moki each on the southern drop off. One of the guys was a kingfish virgin and this was broken with a small kingy landed which we cut into steaks.

    Headed up to Ocean beach outer reefs but the vis was marginal there, but lots of surface activity which I was sure were small Tuna species. ( we had a report that Albacore were being caught the afternoon before over the boil) They certainly were not Kahawai or Trevally.

    Ended the day getting a feed of Paua on the Northern end of Bare Island.

    Also Robin got a nice 23kg Kingie in the bay but ended up with the ice pick stuck in his arm after bear-hugging the fish and couldn't get it out till he got on the boat!

    A group of us headed up to the Bay of Plenty in the weekend and dived Schooner rocks, Astrolab and Mayor Island.

    Great vis all round and fish such as Kingfish, Snapper and Pinkies made their way into the chilly bin. Sea conditions were just great with only a light westerly blowing all day. We had a few Bronze Whalers make them selves acquainted which made for a great days diving.

    Check out more photos in the gallery and a short video clip of the sharks and this snapper will follow soon here www.extremefreedom.co.nz

    Kane Grundy