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    Dr. Whoo's Ping-Your-Rubber Trick

    February 27, 2012 1 min read

    Dr. Whoo's Ping-Your-Rubber Trick

    Adreno's 'Dr Whoo' is sharing a piece of valuable advice this week that works every time, especially with Spanish Mackerel and Wahoo: the 'Ping-Your-Rubber Trick'...

    The Wahoo and Spanish Mackerel are pelagic fish and are very curious by nature, so they respond immediately when you use your rubbers to attract their attention. The school of fish will turn, allowing you a second, or even third or fourth chance of a hit (just keep pinging).

    The trick is best explained by showing it in real life, so here's a little video of Dr. Whoo aiming for a group of Spanish Mackerel off the Sunshine Coast last week. Take notice, because it takes most spearos years to figure this one out!