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    Dr Whoo Strikes Again - Big 5 Update

    May 16, 2012 1 min read

    Dr Whoo Strikes Again - Big 5 Update

    Dr Whoo Big5 WahooAdreno's mystery man Dr. Whoo has done it again: taking two nice Wahoo last Wednesday in Brisbane waters.

    The larger one at 15kg is being entered in the 'Adreno Big 5 Competition'  in the GAME FISH category. Dr. Whoo has serious competition because the Big 5 nearly doubled in entries during the past week, with Caine Hutcherson talking out first place and breaking 1,000 points overall.

    Dr. Whoo's secret

    To reveal why he is so successful, we can tell you first of all that Dr. Whoo combines the Beuchat and Aimrite guns (available in our Adreno Online Spearfishing Store)

    Secondly: he also uses the simple 'Ping-trick', which he shared with you all a few months ago in this instructional video:

    Dr Whoo With His 15kg Wahoo On The Surface