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    Cloughy Challenge 2013 Competition Report

    October 22, 2013 2 min read

    Cloughy Challenge 2013 Competition Report

    The 2013 Cloughy Challenge went off great guns, with 43 entrants diving the coastal waters between Bowen in the north and Cape Palmerston in the south to as far east as you dare to travel over the two day period, with all enjoying this years prime weather and great tides.

    The mandatory sign on and safety brief Friday afternoon ran all participants through the competitions rules, explaining the aim of the three fish rule and the most meritorious fish. It also gave everyone a chance to meet and collect their sign on gift of either a Pelaj gun bag or Cloughy Challenge fish tub.

    The weekend’s diving went well with no incidents or injuries and all divers made it back for the 4pm weigh in on Sunday afternoon. The fish weighed in were spectacular with the most meritorious fish being a 37.6 kg Spanish shot by Adam Smith from Townsville and plenty of other quality fish like Small and Large Mouth Nannygai, Mangrove Jacks and Fingermark, Golden Trevally, Assorted Coral Trout, Emperor and Mackerel Species, Parrotfish and the list goes on.  

    Adam Smith with his meritorious Spanish Mackerel - 37.6kg

    Division’s Winners below:

    Sub-Juniors – Daniel Russle

    ·      Juniors – Tim Shailer

    ·      Intermediate Mens – Cameron Pratt

    ·      Open Mens – David Hicks

    ·      Veterans – Rob Shailer

    ·      Masters – Adam Smith.


    Sub Juniors
    First Place - Daniel Russle 56.167 points
    2.36kg Coastal Coral Trout
    1.60kg Blunthead Parrot Fish
    First Place - Tim Shalier 104.490 points
    3.20kg Coastal Coral Trout
    3.30kg Mangrove Jack
    1.54kg Parrot Fish
    Intermediate Men
    First Place - Cameron Pratt 217.328 points
    8.42kg Blackspot Tuskfish
    6.10kg Mangrove Jack
    13.50kg Spanish Mackerel
    Open Men
    First Place - David Hicks 251.981points
    23.00kg Spanish Mackerel
    8.18kg Spot Scale Sea Perch
    5.12kg Queenfish
    First Place - Rob Shailer 167.831 points
    6.40kg Coastal Coral Trout
    3.20kg Blue Barred Parrot Fish
    3.86kg Blackspot Tuskfish
    First Place - Adam Smith 238.000 points
    37.60kg Spanish Mackerel
    1.50kg Moses Perch
    2.90kg Small Mouth Nannigai


    Competition winners! Adreno was happy to sponsor the event with a Beuchat wetsuit.

    Again we would like to thank our Major Sponsors: Tackleworld Mackay, Adreno Spearfishing, Beuchat Australia, Aimrite Spearguns, Edge Spearguns, NRG Industrial, Penetrator Composite Freedive Fins, Extreme Spearfishing & Shane Morrison Marine for their support in this years Cloughy Challenge and are looking forward to a bigger and better event in 2014.

    Nathan, the happy winner of our Beuchat wetsuit prize!

    Report by Matt Lyons.