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    Chasing Mulloway in Dirty Wash

    February 02, 2013 1 min read

    Chasing Mulloway in Dirty Wash

    Recently on the East coast of Australia we have had some server weather and major flooding. This flooding forces lots of mulloway (jewfish) from the rivers and out around the headlands where they find washy dark holes to rest up. When chasing these fish in and around the headlands after flooding, the water will be dirty making it virtually impossible to see the fish in front of your speargun. A little trick when spearfishing for mulloway in dirty water is to crawly on the ground into the hole / gutter. When looking for the fish, look up as it will be easier to see the silhouette of the fish compared to one straight in front of you. Always know your fish shapes and if you are unsure as to what type of fish it is ( dirty water) don't shoot.) (dont bother watching the video past 1.10min as it is blank?)