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    Bluewater Spearfishing Classic Results

    April 15, 2016 2 min read

    Bluewater Spearfishing Classic Results

     The Bluewater Spearfishing Classic was held this past weekend and there were some absolute beasts to be speared out there. In addition, there were a number of significant changes to the competition format this year, and reports say it made the Classic a much more exciting affair.

    With 44 spearos competing the pressure was definitely on. So a massive congratulations to Jack Howard who took home the honors in the Open division, with 4 species over 5 great catches. Nipping at his heels and also putting in great efforts were Matthew Poulten and Evan Lesson in second and third respectively.

    The Junior division champion was 17 year old, Oliver George. The biggest fish however, belonged to the Intermediate champion, Josh Stevens, with a 26.2kg Cobia.

    The weather for the weekend was perfect and the ocean managed to glass out on a number of occasions. The northern end of the competition boundary, Evans Heads, saw up to 20 metre visibility and a solid amount of marine life. However, conditions often vary as much the fish that are caught. Visibility became marginal down at the southern end of South West Rocks with 3-10 metres and a layer of mud on the surface.

    No matter where they dove in on the coast, the conditions didn’t slow down the divers, as the new format allowed fishing all day Saturday giving them access to tide changes and afternoon fishing times not previously allowed.

    A successful weekend from top to bottom and another congratulations to all the competing divers! Adreno is proud to be a part of a fantastic, forward thinking competition. We can only wait and see what next year’s Bluewater Classic will bring!

    Stay updated on next year’s event:https://www.facebook.com/AustralianBluewaterFreedivingClassic/