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    BIG 5 Online Spearfishing Competition - UPDATE

    August 23, 2012 2 min read

    BIG 5 Online Spearfishing Competition - UPDATE

    What's the BIG 5 competition? Click here to see the scoreboard, rules and photo album to find out how you can share in over $15,000 worth of prizes!

    Another shake up on the BIG 5 scoreboard this week with Dr Whoo moving into 2nd place with his Kingfish, Spanish Mackerel, Parrotfish and Wahoo!

    If you think you can get more than 4 of the BIG 5 species, you could WIN this competition and the thousands of dollars worth of spearfishing gear and charter trips that goes along with the title of being the BIG 5 champion.

    The junior 5 competition has also had it's fifth entrant - Pat Hanrahan. Pat got a huge 1.2kg Bream. One more species from the Junior 5 list - luderick, flathead, morwong or any other of the Big 5 species - and Pat will cruise into FIRST place for the Junior 5 competition, ready to take home a brand new Aimrite speargun. Aimrite spearguns are Australia's premiere speargun brand with a reputation of being deadly accurate, reliable and best perfectly accustomed to Australian spearfishing conditions.


    You can weigh your fish in simply by taking a photo of the fish on some scales, with your dive watch, phone or a newspaper next to it as proof of the date. Post the picture/s on the Adreno Spearfishing facebookwall and you will be in the running to share in over $15,000 worth of prizes from great brands and businesses like GBR Bluewater Charters, DiveR fins, Riffe, Beuchat, GoPro2, Rob Allen and much much more.

    With the competition running until the end of the year there is still plenty of time for YOU to be the Adreno BIG 5 2012 Champion. Good luck!