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    BIG 5 Competition Winners - Reef 5 Category and Second Place Overall!

    January 05, 2013 1 min read

    BIG 5 Competition Winners - Reef 5 Category and Second Place Overall!

    The 2012 Adreno Big 5 Online spearfishing competition was a huge success, with over 50 divers entering the competition. We have now tallied up all of the scores and it is our pleasure to announce the winner of the Reef 5 category. The Reef 5 category of the 2012 Big 5 competition consisted of 5 popular reef species: Snapper, Jobfish, Tuskfish, Mangrove Jack and Parrot Fish.

    The winner of this category managed to get 4 of the 5 species - all of great sizes! With his 15kg Blackspot Tuskfish, 6kg Mangrove Jack, and 7kg Jobfish, the winner of the Reef 5 Category is Brisbane spearo, Duncan Croll! Duncan wins a Beuchat Marlin Carbon Speargun for his entries in the Big 5 Competition.


    Duncan came second overall in the competition with some great entries, including a 34kg Cobia.

    Earlier in the year, Duncan joined Adreno on one of our annual charters to the Coral Sea. This trip put him in a good lead with the competition, landing a nice Jobfish and Dogtooth Tuna which he was able to weigh in.

    Congratulations again, Duncan, on winning second place overall and taking out the Reef 5 category. We look forward to seeing how you go in this years competition!