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    Big 5 Competition Has Begun - Rule Changes for 2013!

    February 04, 2013 1 min read

    Big 5 Competition Has Begun - Rule Changes for 2013!

    The much awaited start date for the Adreno Big 5 Spearfishing competition has come! On Friday February 1st the competiiton kicked off, just in time for some lucky spearos to start hunting down their targets over the weekend.

    We also released the rules for the competition on Friday, which can be found here.

    Some notable changes from last year include:

    • Video competition category: Competitors who are registered for the competition can enter ANY spearfishing video that they have created, and that they have rights to the footage used therein, to win a GoPro. Competitors may use footage of any species this year, not just species that they are in the Big 5 competition.
    • Points: The points for the categories are --> Game 5: 300 points per species, 10 points per kilo. Big 5: 200 points per species, 10 points per kilo. Junior 5: 150 points per species, 50 points per kilo. All other categories: 150 points per species, 25 points per kilo.
    • Billfish Category: This year we have a category for Billfish. The 'best billfish' will win the category. It will be judged on how close the Billfish is to the IUSA World Record for the individual species.
    • Upgrades: You are allowed to upgrade each species ONCE throughout the year.
    • Weigh-in time: You have 30 days after capture to weigh your fish in.
    Feel free to direct any questions about the competition to our facebook page!

    Good luck!