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    Adreno's Maurice Dives South West Rocks

    March 31, 2014 2 min read

    Wow, wow and WOW is all I can say about my trip down to South West Rocks last week!

    Beautiful blue water at a warm 24 degrees and very little current made for perfect diving conditions at the world renowned Fish Rock Cave. I was very comfortable in my 5mm Waterproof brand wetsuitand most other divers were also in 5mm wetsuits. The visibility ranged from 15m in some places and up to 30m in others. There was plenty to see on every dive including beautiful Grey Nurse Sharks, Barracuda, Cod, and Rays.

    Plenty of Grey Nurse Sharks around South West Rocks! Plenty of Grey Nurse Sharks around South West Rocks!

    Fish Rock Cave is nestled just 2km offshore of the popular holiday and diving destination, South West Rocks, on the mid-north NSW coast. Fish Rock Cave is a 125m passage through the center of a small island, home to a stunning variety of marine life and renowned for its Grey Nurse Shark population. It is voted among the top ten dive sites in Australia and known to be Australia's best cave dive. It's a must-see for any avid scuba diver like me!

    Exiting Fish Rock Cave. It's better than an aquarium in there! Heading into Fish Rock Cave. It's better than an aquarium in there!

    While diving, I used a Cannon 600D with Ikalite housing, a Cannon s95 and two BigBlue VL1800 dive torches for my underwater photography.

    I can't speak highly enough about Pete and Kev from South West Rocks Dive Center and their crew. They offer free nitrox to all divers, which came in handy for me as I was at the 28m mark for almost the entire two dives as that was the depth the sharks were at. I set my Atom 3 dive computer to 32% nitrox and it let me know how much bottom time I had while safely avoiding the need for a deco stop. Very handy!

    Getting up close and personal with some of the Grey Nurse Sharks! Maurice getting up close and personal with some of the Grey Nurse Sharks!

    The accommodation is backpacker style, but that is all I'm after and for $30 a night I was not complaining!

    South West Rocks is definitely up there for me as one of my favourite spots to dive in Australia. I highly recommend diving there! If you need any info on scuba diving South West Rocks, or what gear you need to take, feel free to call me at Adreno on (07) 3391 2299.

    IMG_6012 Fish and sharks everywhere made for spectacular diving!

    Until next time, dive safe and enjoy it!

    Maurice La Rocca