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    Glynn Dromey Memorial Spearfishing Competition - March 29

    March 29, 2014 2 min read

    Glynn Dromey Memorial Spearfishing Competition - March 29

    Adreno has sponsored the Glynn Dromey Memorial Spearfishing Competition with a 3.5mm Beuchat Reversible Wetsuit valued at $435. It looks like a great cometition with an emphasis on safety and selectivity. Good luck to all competitors!

    The Glynn Dromey Memorial Spearfishing Competition, held on March 29 2014,  is organized and run by the West Australian Undersea Club and is open to all comers. The inaugural Competition was held in 1996 at Lancelin (2 hours north of Perth) and has continued on an annual basis ever since.

    In memory of Glynn Dromey

    Glynn was a passionate spearo sadly taken by cancer at just 29.

    Glynn Dromey was a passionate spearfisherman with a particular penchant for chasing pelagic species. He has held a number of Australian records including largest sailfish and largest yellowfin tuna. This in an era when the focus was on reef species. Tragically, he was taken by cancer at the age of twenty nine back in the early 1980’s. Recognized as a top spearo and a person who had time for others learning the sport, it was in his memory that a competition held its inaugural meeting in 1996 and has continued on an annual basis ever since.

    The Glynn Dromey Memorial Shield aims to foster a competitive spirit between spearos and promote the virtues of selective hunting. The competition is now recognized as the pre-eminent event on the West Australian calendar, attracting approximately 50 divers, some of whom are recognized worldwide for their exploits.

    The competition attracts great divers on a quest for great fish and a good time.

    Further details can be found on our website.

    In the last three years the club has embarked on a progressive path to educate members to dive in a safe and conservative manner through subsidized freedive courses and a mentorship program for new members and beginners. Through our code of behaviour and mentor program we promote awareness on a personal, situational and environmental level. The species list is limited to fish which are of good eating quality and must be presented gutted and gilled. Divers compete in pairs and tow a float with flag, giving an emphasis to the one up one down safety rule which all divers should adhere to at all times.

    The Club has over 200 members, most of whom are under 30 years of age and there is an active forum on the website. We also have over 730 registered members on the Facebook pageif you're looking for a place to meet like mindeddivers in the area. We look forward to seeing you there!