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    Adreno takes up smoking AND LOVES IT

    August 29, 2011 2 min read

    We're not talking about the kind of smoking that destroys a spearfishers lung capacity, we're talking about the smoking that tastes amazing used on a variety of foods - ESPECIALLY FISH! For thousands of years mankind has been consuming the unique flavour of smoked foods over all of the known continents and for good reason: it tastes great and done correctly can actually preserve the life of the food for extended periods.

    Smoking fish involves the marinating and “Hot Smoking” of fish and seafood to get a real wow factor of taste as well as a moist texture. Unfortunately it seems that Australia is, for the most part, way behind on the craze of smoking! We have travelled to various spearfishing destinations around the world where smoking fish is a weekly, even daily, luxury and now Adreno is here to help you all catch up with the craze.

    Thankfully Adreno is here to help and we have a great new range of Fish Smokers and fish smoking tools at fantastic prices to give you the taste that the rest of the world is enjoying.

    The Bradley Digital 4 Rack Smoker has the following features that make it stand out from other smokers:

    - Easy-to-use digital control panel with LCD screen; - Smoke for up to 8 hours without the need to constantly tend to the burning process; - Dual hot and cold smoking options (the temperature is controllable up to a maximum of 137 degrees Celsius); - Prepare your catch on 4 separate racks that can be adjusted; - Each rack has 28cm by 33cm cooking area; - Big enough to smoke up a feast for a small party, deli quality; - Adjustable racks with drip tray underneath; - Digital technology working on 240 Volt; - Internal Heater: 500 Watt cooking element / 125 Watt smoking element; - Powder Epoxy Steel outside, aluminium inside construction.

    On the other hand, you might want to consider the cheaper option of the Bradley Original Black Smoker: -Bradley Original Black Smoker Big enough to smoke up a feast for a small party, deli quality; - Smoke for up to 8 hours without the need to constantly tend to the burning process; - Dual hot and cold smoking options (the temperature is controllable up to a maximum of 137 degrees Celsius); - Prepare your catch on 4 separate racks that can be adjusted; - Each rack has 28cm by 33cm cooking area; - Adjustable racks with drip tray underneath; - Working on 240 Volt; - Internal heater: 500 Watt cooking / 125 Watt smoking element; - Powder Epoxy Steel outside/ aluminium inside construction;

    So what are you waiting for, grab yourself a Fish Smoker today and start enjoying the lovely flavour that smoking provides.