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    Adreno BIG 5 Competition Prize – Riffe Torpedo Float

    November 18, 2011 1 min read

    Adreno BIG 5 Competition Prize – Riffe Torpedo Float

    Riffe Float AdrenoWe have chosen some truly great prizes for the Adreno BIG 5 spearfishing competition that is underway. Let’s look into those prizes a bit more, so you know what you are going for!

    We already wrote about the Rob Allen Sparid Railgun before and will cover the Beuchat wetsuit later, but here’s some info about the Riffe float that you can win (valued at $269.00).

    This strong Riffe float has a 22 inch fibreglass flag pole, a 'Torpedo' shape (tapered nose) and a 12 inch square Diver Down flag. It lifts 40 kilos at surface and there is stainless steel D-Ring attached for effortless towing. The Riffe float has side and rear handles (the bungee is optional). The float is highly visible at sea.

    The advantage of the float is that you can take it travelling: the float is easily inflated by mouth, and when deflated stores away easily.

    So, what are you waiting for?

    Adreno BIG 5 Spearfishing Competition

    Enter the competition by spearing the biggest of the Adreno BIG 5 species before the end of the year, weigh the fish and post a

    picture of it (and one with you in it) within 7 days of capture on our Facebook wall to see if you can win this gear!

    Check out ourAdreno BIG 5 Competition Facebook page here!

    If you don’t want to, or can’t, enter the competition, you can also purchase the Riffe Torpedo Float online here