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    59 th Australian Pacific Coast Spearfishing Championships

    March 21, 2018 1 min read

    59 th Australian Pacific Coast Spearfishing Championships

    The 59th Australian Pacific Coast Spearfishing Championships will be held over the Easter long weekend Friday 30th March to Monday 1st April 2018.

    The Championships are conducted over three days with Friday (12 noon to 4pm) being a social stand alone competition with a mystery 4 man team event and a free to enter U/18s event with awards in all age brackets from 8 to 17 years. Sub-juniors 14 years and younger require adult supervision and all contestants require AUF membership (18 and over $50 and U/18 $35, pay online at AUF membership).

    Fish speared in the Friday events are eligible for the Big Fish competition cash prizes although juniors fishing the free event only are not.

    Individual Title event is held over Saturday and Sunday with the 4 man teams event Saturday and the pairs event on Sunday.

    Fish auctioned in aid of Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service.

    There will be some great random draw prizes at the presentation held at Nelson Bay Bowling Club on Sunday night at 7pm.

    You can register from 9am on Friday and you will need to present your fish float for inspection. safety guidelines can be accessed at AUF Spearfishing Competition Rules, Section 2.1 "Safety Equipment Individuals".

    Event times are

    Friday 31/03/2018

    Sign On from 9.00am at Control Centre just east of D'Albora Marina on Victoria Parade, Nelson Bay, U/18s $30, O/18s $70.

    11.00am Safety Instruction for Juniors

    Competition 12-4pm

    Saturday 31/03/2018

    Competition 8am - 3pm

    Sunday 01/04/2018

    Competition 8am - 2pm.