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    2013 QLD State Spearfishing Titles and NQ Titles

    June 25, 2013 1 min read

    2013 QLD State Spearfishing Titles and NQ Titles

    A message from Spearfishing QLD:

    The 2013 North Queensland Titles and Queensland Titles will be hosted this year by the Townsville Skindiving Club. The following dates for each of the upcoming events have been scheduled:

    North Queensland Titles 2013 To be held on 10 August 2013 Backup date 17 August 2013

    Queensland State Spearfishing Titles 2013 To be held consecutively over 26 & 27 October 2013 Backup dates 9 & 10 November 2013

    The Townsville Skindiving Club invites spearfishers to both the 2013 North Queensland and Queensland Spearfishing Titles to be held on the above dates.

    Full details can be found in information packs currently being finalised and to be circulated shortly.

    While the NQ titles will be held out of Townsville (per usual) we are looking to hold this year's QLD titles out of Cardwell (located 2 hours north of Townsville).

    The pituresque Cardwell in North Queensland is home to some fantastic Estuary spearfishing opportunities and close to the Great Barrier Reef.

    TSC will be running both events from small boats.  Competitors should be aware that numbers may be limited by the number of boats and spots available.  Those spots will be offered on a ‘first come – first served’ basis.

    Any boat owners willing to supply a boat please contact the organising committee.

    Similarly any sponsors willing to get behind either event can you please contact one of us below:-

    The organising committee:- Arthur Kudla                       arthur.kudla@seymourwhyte.com.au Michael Pannach              michael.pannach@connollysuthers.com.au Adam Smith                       adam.smith@gbrmpa.com.au Matt Ludbrooke                luddy69@hotmail.com Brock Tilley                        brock.tilley@gmail.com Evan Barnes                       evan.h.barnes@live.com Kevin Chard                        kevin@pacificmarinegroup.com.au Jarrod Francis                    jfrancis6789@gmail.com

    Spearfishing QLD