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    The Adreno Story: 20th Birthday Sale Special

    July 02, 2021 1 min read

    The Adreno Story: 20th Birthday Sale Special

    To celebrate our 20th Birthday Sale which is on now below, is the 20-year journey of Adreno!

    Exploring the ocean is an amazing experience however, experiencing the ocean to its full potential simply isn’t possible without the right gear.

    When the first Adreno store opened in 2001 there wasn't dive stores available that offered all the gear & advice you needed in 1 place.

    Founder Tim Neilsen found himself frustrated by the industry. For decades, the Australian dive market was in shambles, with no one offering the products and services that would drive the industry forward.

    Since our first store opened in 2001 we’ve brought the world’s best diving gear to Australia (and made some of our own gear). We’ve also aimed to educate the community through customer service, experts in-store, diving-related courses, 100’s of free educational blogs & videos and more!

    We’ll continue to provide our customers with the right gear & information so they too can experience the wonders the ocean has to offer.