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    How To Prepare Sashimi

    June 16, 2023 1 min read

    How To Prepare Sashimi

    After a big day spearfishing, or for a cheeky snack on the boat, there's nothing that celebrates the amazing flavours of your catch more than some simple Sashimi.

    In this Cook your Catch episode, Adreno Founder Tim Neilsen and expert spearo Shrek from the Noob Spearo Podcast show us how to get the most out of this simple dish.


    • Fish, filleted and skinned. Preferably Pelagic such as Wahoo, Spanish Mackerel, Green Jobfish, Yellowtail Kingfish, Salmon or Tuna
    • Wasabi
    • Soy Sauce
    • Pickled Ginger


      1. Place the desired fillet in the freezer for 20-30mins. This will firm the flesh ready for easy clean slicing.
      2. Grab a sharp knife and slice thinly across the grain. Most traditional Japanese restaurants will prepare sashimi with a Hira-zukuri cutting method where you slice 2-3mm thick slices. To achieve this, angle your knife to the left, and carefully slice across the fillet and towards yourself. Alternatively, simply slice down against the grain to your preferred thickness.
      3. Enjoy by first dipping in Wasabi then Soy Sauce. Add Pickled Ginger if desired for more flavour.