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    2016 Australian Bluewater Freediving Classic

    April 06, 2016 2 min read

    2016 Australian Bluewater Freediving Classic

    The 2016 AUSTRALIAN BLUEWATER FREEDIVING CLASSIC (8 - 10 April) is growing and this year will undergo some significant changes. These changes will improve the competitive drive of the divers, help the sustainability of our oceans and create a new generation of champions!

    Starting this year, the competition format will now allow divers to hunt for a longer period of time. What was only a 5 hour dive limit each day, the Saturday (9 April) of the competition will now grant divers the chance to hunt from sunrise to sunset! This means divers from all over the coast can tow their boats north or south and launch from a larger variety of sites available. Why is that important? It will spread the competition over a far wider area than previous years and push each diver to perform at their best. The area from Evans Head to South West Rocks will continue to be the competition boundary.

    The competition will also test divers to hunt the best, and only the best. Spearos may now only weigh 5 fish and only 2 of any species on the target list. The second fish of a species scoring significantly less than the first. In addition, fish only score if they are below the maximum weight of 25kg. This comprehensive change is to encourage divers to pursue quality fish instead of a large quantity, and limit the overall impact of our competition on Australia’s beautiful coastline.

    Making it more affordable for everyone, the entry fee has also been reduced from $250 to just $50, encouraging visiting divers to make the trip and take the plunge. While no cash or value prizes are to be awarded this year, to the victor the trophy and bragging rights will go!  

    This year, forgoing the auction, the exciting final weigh-in will still take place at the Woolgoolga Reserve at 2pm on Sunday 10 April. Everyone is welcome to come along which, as always, will be another fantastic afternoon.

    Registration is between 2 - 4pm on Friday 8 April 2016, at Woolgoolga RSL. This is the official sign on for the competition and all divers must attend the briefing.

    Competition Dates: 8 - 10 April

    Registration: $50. 2 - 4pm Friday 8 April. Woolgoolga RSL.

    Final Weigh-In: 2pm Sunday 10 April. Woolgoolga Reserve.

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/AustralianBluewaterFreedivingClassic/?rc=p