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    Crumbed Fish Recipe

    Love the sport of spearfishing but don't have an inkling on how to cook a fish? In this new series founder and owner of Adreno, Tim Neilsen, will show you how to Cook Your Catch.

    This is Tim's recipe for the trusty crumbed fish recipe! To ensure your crubed fish are perfect, make sure you use panko bread crumbs - this will give them that extra ittle bit of crunch.

    Subscribe to our YouTube channel now for fortnightly fish recipes, spearfishing videos, spearfishing tips and gear reviews


    • Flour
    • Egg
    • Panko Breadcrumbs
    • Fish
    • Oil for deep frying


    1. Lightly whisk the egg in a small bowl.
    2. Set up a flour in a seperate bowl and the bread crumbs in another bowl
    3. Coat the fish in a light coating of flour. 
    4. Dip the fish into the egg.
    5. Tranfer the fish across the the bowl of breadcrumbs and coat in crumbs.
    6. Heat oil to deep fry, ensure it's hot enough - add fish to oil, making sure not to overload the pan with too many pieces of fish at once.
    7. Cooking times will vary depending on the sizes of the pieces of fish. Remove once cooked through.
    8. Serve with favourite side salad.