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    USA Latex

    USA Latex OPTIBAND speargun rubber is the product of over 40 years in the speargun rubber manufacturing industry. The OPTIBAND formula is a result of working closely with speargun manufacturers and spearos to create a super smooth high-stretch speargun rubber. OPTIBAND is made from quality natural latex and is formed using a dipping process... Read More

    USA Latex

    Optiband 16mm Speargun Rubber

    Our Price

    USA Latex

    Optiband 16mm Speargun Rubber

    Our Price

    USA Latex

    Optiband 16mm Speargun Rubber Pack - 3m

    Our Price

    USA Latex

    Optiband 17.5mm Speargun Rubber

    Our Price

    USA Latex

    1.9mm Reel Line - 50m - Green

    Our Price

    USA Latex

    Optiband 16mm Speargun Rubber Pack - 3m

    Our Price

    USA Latex

    Optiband 16mm Speargun Rubber

    Our Price

    USA Latex

    1.9mm Reel Line - 50m - Orange

    Our Price

    USA Latex

    Wasp 14mm Microbore Speargun Rubber

    Our Price

    USA Latex

    Wasp 16mm Microbore Speargun Rubber

    Our Price

    USA Latex

    Optiband 16mm Speargun Rubber

    Our Price

    USA Latex

    Optiband 14mm Speargun Rubber

    Our Price

    USA Latex

    Optiband 16mm Speargun Rubber Pack - 3m

    Our Price

    USA Latex

    Optiband 16mm Speargun Rubber

    Our Price

    USA Latex

    Optiband 14mm Speargun Rubber

    Our Price

    USA Latex

    1.9mm Reel Line - 50m - Purple

    Our Price

    USA Latex

    USA Latex OPTIBAND speargun rubber is the product of over 40 years in the speargun rubber manufacturing industry. The OPTIBAND formula is a result of working closely with speargun manufacturers and spearos to create a super smooth high-stretch speargun rubber. OPTIBAND is made from quality natural latex and is formed using a dipping process for superior quality.

    OPTIBAND and Railguns

    USA Latex’s OPTIBAND is a band that is less resistant to load than other formulas and has a smoother release of power which helps to reduce recoil. Increased power can be achieved by increasing the power stroke of the band, the high stretch formulation allows for a shorter band to be used while remaining practical to load. This has an advantage over traditional speargun rubbers that rely on highly resistant rubbers to generate their power which often results in excess recoil and reduced accuracy.

    OPTIBAND and Rollerguns

    USA latex’s OPTIBAND improved is much more suited to rollerguns than the traditional USA latex which was prone to collapsing under the increased pressure of a Rollergun. OPTIBAND allows for up to 350% stretch whilst retaining its structural integrity.


    Natural Latex should be stored away from high heat, UV and ozone-generating devices such as motors. If stored correctly in a container away from these elements the rubber will last for years.

    OPTIBAND Products

    • 8.0mm rubber for muzzle bungees and hand spears
    • 14.5mm Wasp micro bore speargun rubber
    • 14mm standard bore speargun rubber colour coded white core
    • 16mm standard bore speargun rubber colour coded black core
    • 17.5mm standard bore speargun rubber colour coded red core