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    Rob Allen Spearguns & Spearfishing Gear

    Rob Allen is one of the world's best and most popular spearfishing brands, with a rich history originating in South Africa. Rob Allen worked for years as a fisherman in South Africa, but the day he decided to get into the water changed the pattern of his life forever as he found himself intrigued at... Read More

    Rob Allen

    Timberline Roller Speargun

    Our Price

    Rob Allen

    Timberline Roller Speargun

    Our Price

    Rob Allen

    Samburu Carbon 140cm Railgun

    Our Price

    Rob Allen

    Samburu Carbon 130cm Railgun

    Our Price

    Rob Allen

    Samburu Carbon 120cm Railgun

    Our Price

    Rob Allen

    Samburu Carbon 110cm Railgun

    Our Price

    Rob Allen

    Samburu Carbon 100cm Railgun

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    Rob Allen

    Remora Inflatable Float - 35L

    Our Price

    Rob Allen

    Vecta Belt Reel with 60m Line

    Our Price

    Rob Allen

    Remora Inflatable Float - 11L

    Our Price

    Rob Allen Spearguns & Spearfishing Gear

    Rob Allen is one of the world's best and most popular spearfishing brands, with a rich history originating in South Africa. Rob Allen worked for years as a fisherman in South Africa, but the day he decided to get into the water changed the pattern of his life forever as he found himself intrigued at the behaviour of fish and the underwater environment. During this period, Rob began modifying his own speargun to perform more accurately and powerfully and eventually started making his own spearguns. Rob Allen's spearguns were initially thought to be too big, however once spearos got in the water, they realised the guns reacted perfectly with the environment and people were spearing fish they had never speared before. In 1988 Rob quit his job after becoming inundated with requests to build spearguns to set up his own company and has never looked back. Rob Allen has since expanded it's range to include everything a diver needs to gear up for spearfishing.

    Check out our Rob Allen Gun Range Review Video