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    Come and hang out with Sarah Shark! - Free Event

    November 14, 2011 2 min read

    Come and hang out with Sarah Shark! - Free Event

    Hey guys!

    To raise further awareness for Sharks and to show 'Episode 2: Great White - The Infamous Shark' movie to as many people as we possibly could we are running 'Shark Events'. We'll be coming to Adreno Scuba Centre in Brisbane next week!

    Our first event, was held on a Thursday evening at Devocean Dive in Southport. The guys at Devocean held a big post-ODEX (Diving and Marine Conservation expo) sale and we had a great turn out!

    Sarah Shark Devocean Dive Shark Event # 1 at Devocean Dive

    Sarah Shark Devocean Dive Watching Episode 2

    As a bit of incentive to come out of the comfort of your homes to see us we added 5 awesome giveaways that we will raffle off during each event;

    • 1. A dive at Julian Rocks in Byron Bay with Sundive
    • 2. A dive with Devocean out on the Scooters
    • 3. A dive at Cook Island with Tweed Seasports
    • 4. A dive on the ex-HMAS Brisbane by Scubaworld
    • 5. A mystery Beuchat gear prize, compliments of Adreno
    Each Shark Event we will be selling raffle tickets and each event we will give away one of each of these prizes! ... well worth showing up.

    We will be heading to Adreno Scuba Centre on Saturday the 19th of this month (November) at noon. I'll be giving a bit of a talk on sharks and showing Episode 2 and of course running the raffle! Better yet, this event will coincide with Adreno's Xmas Sale... so grab yourself some shiny new gear while there!

    I look forward to seeing you all then!

    Where: Adreno - 54-48 Deshon Street, Woolloongabba, QLD, 4102 View Store Location Map When:Saturday 19th November @ 12:00pm

    SS www.sarahshark.com