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    The Adreno Treasure Hunt Competition Is Back!

    February 13, 2012 1 min read

    The Adreno Treasure Hunt Competition Is Back!

    The latest Adreno Scavenger Hunt starts today with a Bigblue Technical Light TL 1800 LED Diving Light worth $749 up for grabs. Every 3 days for the next 30 days we will hide a Golden Tank somewhere on our website Golden Tanks could be hidden in product descrtiptions, in images, on information pages, anywhere really so keep your eyes peeled.

    If you find a Golden Tank, quickly post a link to where you found it on our Facebook wall! If you are the first person to post the link you will automatically win a Big Blue FL 107 3W LED Compact Torch and will then go into the draw to win the awesome TL 1800 Technical Light which will be drawn on March 16th.

    There will be a total of 10 Golden Tanks to find so make sure you check our Facebook wall regularly for the latest clues.

    Don't wait too long to start looking because from past experience we have learned that there are some real scavengers out there in the scuba diving community and the Golden Tank will soon be found! __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Click here for more information including full terms and conditions of the competition